Pro Moemi Yamamoto (1985) jsou sny inspirativní součástí života a jakýmsi útočištěm. Moemi Yamamoto vystudovala AVU, ateliér Josefa Bolfa, v roce 2022. Její obrazy se vyznačují zvláštním bezčasím, nehybností a nutkavým pocitem odcizení. Jedinečný vizuální způsob kombinuje japonskou paralelní perspektivu a gotickou stylizaci, což vede k symbolickému čtení. Ačkoli obrazy zobrazují sny, reagují na náš svědomitý svět a vypovídají o něm více, než by se mohlo zdát.

"...The figurative scenes in the paintings of Moemi Yamamoto have become frozen in timelessness. The strange life of the dead figures (alienated from human relationships) takes place in a fantasy architecture, in empty rooms with bare floors and frameless windows, in the monastic enclosure of walls, along stony paths or in the Byzantine luxury of palaces with fountains, fountains and oriental supraports. Or in the densely wooded landscapes with hills and paths, where cowering girls and women stare dreamily into the atmosphere of madness, while passing men pass them by and disappear into the distance.

In them we see, in a flat frontal view, exotic and common trees, houseplants, cabinets of curiosities, faithfully depicted with delicate painterly technique (and a great sense of capturing the material), shelves of poultry, collections of shells and shells, old books, flutes, flowers and dry fruits, broken branches, but also strange monumental sculptures of bronze prasops and lionets or aquariums in the roots of trees. And in these images of objects, in addition to the fairy-tale conversations between the things themselves and the play with perspective, there is a dense narrative of twilight..."